All Projects

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A piggy bank for Digital currency.

The project includes functionality for anyone to deposit tokens. The owner is able to withdraw the entire saved amount and thereby 'break' the bank, or else withdraw some to any address. Data on deposit and withdraw history is also collected.

Project 2 image

ethers.js Deep Dive

A thorough exploration of the ethers.js library. I follow a project based workthrough of ethers.js, starting with reading account balances from the Ethereum blockchain and progressing to making transactions, deploying contracts and extracting data from the mainnet and testnet.

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Moving ether on Ethereum

A study of ether and transacting with ether on Ethereum. Focusing on payable functions, gas, and the syntax of making transactions in Solidity on ethereum.

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Hardhat Deep Dive

Hardhat is an essential tool in the development of smart contracts. This is a deep dive into the syntax and process of using Hardhat to compile, test, and deploy smart contracts on testnets and the mainnet Ethereum blockchain.